Our Reading Champions

We are very proud of our reading champions at Saint Peter's. They have been chosen for their passion for reading. They have lots of special jobs throughout the year, including reading 1-1 with younger children as reading buddies, helping our reading leaders with pupil voice interviews and recommending texts to other children via our school library and by reading texts and going into classes to read and recommend them too. They contribute to and take ownership over our whole school reading display, writing down their opinions on favourite texts.

Reading Buddies

Some of our youngest children have a reading buddy, who they read with in a lunch time club. The older children are doing a fantastic job of helping our youngest children on their reading journey.

Reading for Pleasure at Saint Peter's

 All classes have a reading for pleasure basket for children to select books to enjoy with their families at home. EYFS take home Betsy the bunny and a little treat to go with their story! We invite parents in to read in all classes to share their favourite stories, which our children love! Classes also have allocated time in our well resourced school library each week and enjoy listening to their teacher read them a book for pleasure from our reading spine. Children in older classes have a book in which they recommend their favourite books and authors to other children. We hold a very popular book swap on World Book Day and invite authors / poets in to share their wisdom and further inspire our pupils.

In addition to celebrating a love of reading every day, we enjoyed a memorable World Book Day this year, with a masked reader competition, (can you guess all the members of staff?!), biscuits and books between older and younger classes, a paper plate book competition, book swaps in every class, designing bunting for our local library’s 135th birthday, a zoom with different authors and even an assembly led by Miss Trunchbull herself!

Performance Poetry

Every class learns a poem each half term. They recite this to their peers during celebration assemblies. We are so proud of how hard the children work on this!

Sharing Our Reading With Other Classes

Year 5 wrote some fantastic stories in their religion lessons. They came to share them with our Year 1 children, who were thrilled to sit and listen to and discuss the stories. 

Certificates and Awards

 Children are regularly encouraged with reading and hard work is celebrated. Children receive certificates in assemblies for moving up to a new book band or working hard on spelling shed. Children who complete our reading scheme receive a special bookmark to celebrate this. Many of our children completed the Summer Reading Challenge, which makes us feel very proud!